Monday, October 19, 2015

More Measurement!

We are continuing to develop our knowledge and understanding of measurement in KG-M. We are currently only examining length/height and will move into weight and area a bit later in the year. Here are a few learning experiences that have encouraged us to explore this concept:

How long is your name?:  We began by comparing several names to see what we noticed. We realized very quickly that in order to measure our names and accurately compare them to one another, it was first important to write our names the same size. We used grids to help us. We then worked together to order our names from shortest to longest.

What tools can we use to measure?: In another session, we used cubes as a measurement tool.  We found objects throughout the room that we wanted to measure, and we recorded our data in our journals. We realized how important it was to line the cubes up to the bottom/top of the object in order to measure accurately. We also noticed that the objects did not always line up perfectly with the cubes, so we had to use our best judgement as to the nearest amount of cubes needed. Other tools will be used throughout the week and beyond to measure and we will see what conclusions we form as to why we might get different amounts when we use different tools to measure the same object.

How do we all compare in terms of height?:  We used another measurement tool - yarn - to help us measure ourselves. This was a bit challenging as the yarn was not stiff and we therefore had to be careful to pull it taut to ensure our measurements were accurate. We then lined up all our strings and explored our own heights next to those of our teammates.

As we continue delving into our unit of inquiry on plants, we will begin applying our understanding of measurement to this area. We will wonder, hypothesize and test to form conclusions about what information we can gather from measuring plants.

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