Saturday, May 31, 2014


We have continued staying busy in KG-M. We have been learning all about money and how we can use our knowledge of skip counting, addition and subtraction to purchase and sell. We teamed up with KG-T to have a sale in which each kindergartener had the opportunity to sell and buy handmade goods. This was an activity enjoyed by all that really encouraged the building and solidification of math skills.

We extended our learning by playing games that encouraged us to make different combinations of given amounts. Students worked in partners to come up with as many combinations of a predetermined value as they could in two minutes using paper taka. Once the timer started the room was abuzz with math talk and the children were excited to realize how much they know about addition!

The Wizard of IB

Here are a few shots from The Wizard of IB. I hope you all enjoyed the show! I think we have some future entertainers in KG-M!

Monday, May 26, 2014

Senior Walk Through

This coming Thursday our AISD seniors will be celebrated by the school. They will walk through the hallways to Pomp and Circumstance and students will cheer them on as they pass by. Our kindergarten students have been asked to recite lines from "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss. They have been practicing here at school. For this celebration we ask that all kindergarteners dress in either traditional clothing from their home country or in their "Sunday best". 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Home Extension Activities

We will not continue with home extension activities as normal due to the busy nature of the end of school. I realize that this weekend is quite busy with The Wizard of IB and the following weeks seem just as full. Students will, however, continue to bring home their 'just-right' book bags and are expected to return them on Sundays. I will also post activities on the blog that you can do at home if you wish. I would also like to encourage the use of and I can follow students' progress on each program and discuss it with them in class.

Update on the learning going on in our classroom:

We are continuing our unit of inquiry on personal histories and students are putting the final touches on their scrapbooks/iMovies/portfolios. Thank you all so much for your help at home in recording the data. Many students would like to include photos in their scrapbooks. If you have not sent many in already, please consider doing so. As said before, I realize you may not have many from the past, however, even photos from the present would be great. Please email them as soon as possible to:

In math we are continuing our work with addition and subtraction and identifying when do these in real life. We are also applying these skills to the concept of money. In fact, we will have a 'sale' with KG-T beginning tomorrow where students will 'sell' hand-crafted items to their peers (using pretend money). This is a very exciting activity and one the students can't wait to partake in! Pictures to come!


In reading and writing we have been focusing on the comprehension strategy of visualizing. We have learned how important it is to write in a way that helps our readers visualize our stories. We have read many great examples including works by Patricia Polacco and Tomie dePaola, two strong writers of personal narratives. We are also working on the strategy of inferring during reading as we try to understand what is happening without being told directly in text. As you read together with your child please encourage discussion on these two strategies.

Dare to Bear Summer Reading Program

Your children have received a sign-up form for Dare to BEager Avid Readers program.Children keep track of their reading by number of minutes read beginning the first day of summer vacation until school resumes in August.  Time is built in to allow for some non-reading days.  If you register, a booklet detailing the goals and other guidelines will be sent home the last week of school.  Please note that even Pre-School and Kindergarten children can participate as parents or older siblings can read to them and those books are counted.  Books or any reading material in any language is acceptable.

Please fill out the form completely and choose the award that your child would like to receive if the reading goal is achieved.  Please print your child’s name and homeroom below. If you choose to participate, check the award of your choice. 

Please return the forms by Tues. May 20th so Melanie Mclain and I have time to process them before the last week of school.

Thanks so much for your support,
Sharlene Meisner

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Wizard of IB Update from Ms. Betty Chang

Dear Parents, 

Thank you for the superb turn out to Saturday's rehearsal!  Thank you so much!  The kids did a FANTASTIC job and got to see part of the show as well.  Your child(ren) are fantastic singers and actors.  They were very attentive.  Most kindergarten students would not be able to sit silently to watch and then perform at their 'exact entrance' so well.  I hope that when you see the show you will be extremely proud of them!  We worked hard for our few minutes of glory! 
Below are some necessary information for performance week (which is this week!):  

  • We would like all KG Minions to have on denim bottoms (shorts or jeans) OR solid black bottoms (leggings, shorts or pants)Their costume (Minion Baseball Caps, two styles, and T-shirts) can be yours for Tk. 1000 as a keepsake for your child.  
  • If you would like only the shirt or baseball cap individually, they will cost Tk. 500.  If you do not wish to purchase the costumes, they will be saved into the AISD costume boxes. 
2.  CALL TIME/ Performance reporting time. 
  • Thursday, 22 May at 6:30 pm
  • Friday, 23 May at 6:30 pm
  • Saturday, 24 May at 1:30 pm

3.  PICK UP from performances
  • If you will be in the audience, your child will come to you immediately after their performance.  If not, you will need to pick up your child in GYM A (the big gym next door) at the following times:
    • Thursday, 22 May at 7:20 pm 
    • Friday, 23 May at 7:20 pm
    • Saturday, 24 May at 2:20 pm
  • Please make sure you see Ms. Molloy, Ms. Miller or Ms. Taylor before leaving Gym A on performance nights.  They will have a list to check off. 

Thank you for your support of your child to be involved!  I know that students - of all ages - are extremely busy here at AISD.  :)  

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Swimming Unit is Over

Last Wednesday was our last day of swimming for this school year. The children had such a great time learning new techniques and we thank you all so much for your support. Swimming is an incredibly important skill to know, and I want to sincerely thank all of your for encouraging your children to take risks and helping them remember their swim gear each class. Students will now be moving into a new unit in P.E. called "Adventure Challenges".

Saturday, May 10, 2014


In case you were unable to make Thursday's assembly, we videoed bits of it to share. I apologize for the quality of the video, but hope you still enjoy the kindergarteners performing "Tooty-Ta" and the rockin' version of "Mary Had a Little Lamb."

Monday, May 5, 2014

Assembly Thursday

This Thursday the elementary assembly will be hosted by kindergarten. All the children will be very involved so we would like to welcome you to come watch. It begins at 7:50 in Gym B. We hope to see you there!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Wizard of IB Update

Dear Parents,

As you are aware, KG students will be performing in the upcoming all-school musical, The Wizard of IB. Ms. Betty Chang has asked me to pass on the following information about rehearsals:

I would like to request KG kids to attend two rehearsals for the Wizard of IB.  If they are unable to attend, please let me know by Thursday, 8 May by email ( Thank you!
  1. 10 May from 9-10 am
    • They will practice their sections with the 'big kids' and be placed to their positions. 
  2. 17 May from 10-12 am
    • This will be a run through, tech rehearsal for all kids in their costumes!  
    • We hope to run through the show twice.  

We are offering early bird tickets to Wiz Show Cast Members' family and friends.  This flyer went home with performers yesterday.  If you would like to purchase early tickets, please let me know how many (floor - Tk. 1000 - or seat tickets - Tk. 500) and for which date(s).  Payment for the reserved tickets will need to be made by Sunday, 11 May, at 4 pm.  If the payment is not received at that time, the pre-ordered tickets will be going back to the pile of tickets for the public to purchase.  

KG students will come off the stage to where their parents are sitting after they have finished their portion of the performance.  KG students whose parents are wanting to leave will be going off stage to meet their parents backstage. 

Thank you!

Personal History Project

4 May 2014

Dear Parents,

Thus far in our Unit of Inquiry on personal histories we have focused mainly on our own personal histories. We have spent time discussing the words “document” and “evidence” and have created scrapbooks of our recent vacations/holidays.

We are now moving in a bit of a different direction as we begin looking at how we can document the personal history of someone else. Each child has chosen a loved one and will work to document his/her life. We will need your help with this as many of the children have chosen YOU! This is how we will begin gathering and documenting information:

·      Each day your child will come home with a few new questions to ask. Please help your child collect the necessary information. We have discussed that photographs are not enough evidence to be able to tell about someone’s life, so she needs to record information to accompany the photos.

·      You can help your child record this data by:
-   answering the questions and having your child write down the answers
-  listening to your child’s questions and then writing your answers down on individual pieces of paper that she can then glue into her book
-  allowing your child to audibly record your answers with an electronic device (best for those children who have chosen to make iMovies)

We are gathering bits of information at a time to help make it manageable. We would appreciate you taking the time to sit with your child for a few minutes each afternoon/evening to answer the questions she brings home. She will bring the information to school the following morning to add to her book/iMovie.

Thank you in advance for your support and please let me know if you have any questions.

8th Grade Fundraiser

Dear parents,
On Thursday May 15th, 8th grade students will be holding their annual fundraiser to raise money for a local anti-slavery organization. Elementary students will have an opportunity to buy drinks and snacks and participate in various activities. We ask that you send money with your child on this day. Please send small bills (100s and 50s would be perfect).