Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Persuasive Writing

We have been working on a writing unit focused on persuasive writing. We began by identifying problems in our school and finding ways to address them through writing. Students made signs, wrote letters and sent emails. There as been quite a positive response to this unit!


Recently we have started looking at the word "persuade" and what this means in terms of writing. The children all thought of things they think they 'deserve' and came up with reasons why they should get those things. They developed mind maps and have started writing persuasive letters. Many of these letters are asking you as parents for things. Please know that they all have been told that just because they are writing doesn't necessarily mean they will get these things (nor do I expect you to give them!!) They have simply written why they feel they deserve them. You can respond how you feel appropriate. If you do not think your child deserves what he/she has written, tell him/her the reasons why. Thanks in advance for your support of this unit!!


Thursday, February 20, 2014

Class Photos

Please see the following two class photo options below. Your child will be bringing home an order form today. If you would like to order, simply write the number of the photo you would like to purchase on the form, and send it in along with the appropriate amount of money. 

Monday, February 17, 2014

Twin Day

This Wednesday, February 19 the Student Council is sponsoring TWIN DAY. This is an opportunity for students to have fun dressing alike for the day. If your child wants to participate, please contact another student and his/her parents to coordinate. 

Saturday, February 15, 2014

100th Day

This week we celebrated our 100th day of kindergarten with some fun activities. In the afternoon we combined with the other kindergarten classes and rotated through three stations where we got to make a snack with 100 items, make a hat with 100 stickers, and do 100 exercises (well, we actually each did 200!) We have learned so much in these past 100 days and look forward to the next 75!

Thank you to all of you for sending in letters of love for your children to read on Thursday. It was amazing to see the letters come in from friends and family all over the globe as well! The children were very surprised and filled with smiles. Nora shared her sentiments with tears in her eyes saying, "These letters make me so happy that I want to cry!"  Aiden followed this with "If you cry maybe your tears will be in the shape of hearts." It was a very special morning and the students shared how they felt so loved.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

We Got Tigger!

I'm sure many of you already heard the great news in KG-M that our class got Tigger at least week's assembly! Tigger is awarded to classes that demonstrate great learning, respect and knowledge of the learner profile traits and attitudes. Our class has been working so hard all year and we are often recognized by others in the hallway for our respectful behavior. We were so proud to receive Tigger! He will stay with us for two weeks.

Of course we love having Tigger as part of our class. He's fitting in so well and loving all the attention:

Imran even wrote Tigger a letter this weekend! How thoughtful!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Upcoming Events

Class Photos:  Our class photo will be taken this Sunday, February 9. Your child does not need to do anything at this point; I simply wanted to inform you in case s/he wanted to wear something special.

This coming Wednesday, February 12 we will have been in school 100 days! We would like to celebrate 100 days of kindergarten in a few ways:

  • 100th Day Bottle: Your child will bring home directions for this Sunday, but in case you want to work on it this weekend, the basic idea is to put 100 of any one item in a plastic bottle and write three clues for the class to guess what's inside. (Ssshhh kids!! Don't tell others as we want it to be a surprise!)
  • 100th Day T-Shirt: Encourage your child to wear a "100th Day" t-shirt to school on Wednesday! S/he can work at home to creatively design a special shirt for the day. (I encourage you to use an old one from home rather than buying something new.) This might mean writing "100", gluing/pinning on 100 items, or anything else you can imagine!