Thursday, December 10, 2015

Creativity through Quilting

We have had all sorts of guest speakers come to KG to share how they use their creativity. Recently Ms. Stephanie Sinks came in to share her creativity in designing and making quilts. How amazing it was for us to see how shapes can be transformed into so many different designs! We also didn't realize how such small changes, such as turning or moving a piece of fabric, could make such a big difference.

We were so inspired by Ms. Stephanie and were excited to make quilt squares of our own. Thanks to Ms. Stephanie's generosity with her fabric, we were able to do just that! We each chose shapes and arranged them to design unique squares. 

Please take a moment to watch the slideshow below with pictures of our finished work!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Boxes Needed!

We will be doing a project in class that requires recycled boxes of all sizes. If you have any to spare please consider sending them in. Thanks in advance for your help!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Creativity through Woodworking

We are learning all about creativity in our current unit of inquiry. Two of our lines inquiry in this unit are:
How people express their creativity
Transforming ideas into creative products
 We had the opportunity of exploring a new means of making creative products by visiting the middle school and high school design technology lab. Mr. Morris and Ms. Lisa, along with a group of high schoolers, taught us how to make our own pencil holders. It was our job though to come up with a creative pencil holder idea. We had so much fun and many of us have been inspired to continue creating with wood!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How Many Sides Does a Circle Have?

If a triangle has three sides, and a rectangle has four, how many sides does a circle have? 

This was the question posed by Ihsan this week, which really made us ponder. Many immediately yelled out "One! None!" and even "Four!" We decided that we should explore this question in more detail to try and reach some sort of conclusion.

In order to do so, the following day students were broken into small teams and given a piece of string and some stick pins. They were first asked to use the pins and the string to make a triangle. 

It was interesting to see how each group approached the task. A couple groups figured out that they could use the pins as the vertices, which helped them make the shape quickly.

The students then moved through the process of making a series of shapes, each one a bit more difficult than the one before. 

Many discoveries were found as the shapes were explored, such as when Amirah realized that a hexagon's vertices line up. Her group used this new understanding to more accurately place the pins and more successfully make the shape.

Finally, we got to the shape we began exploring in the first place: the circle. At first many students thought it was easy to make this shape, and they quickly put the pins into place. After the string was attached, however, they began to realize that their circles had short, straight sides. As Adrian explained, our circle creations weren't really circles as they weren't completely round. 

This exploration led us to discover that in order to make a completely round circle we would have to have tiny pins that we could place touching one another. The pins we had were much too big and left too much space! We realized that circles actually have an infinite amount of sides, and it was eye-opening to think about the concept of infinity. As Levi said, we could begin counting now and if we continued counting until we got so old and died, we would have to continue counting after death! 

We will continue exploring shapes throughout the next few weeks and will have many more questions to explore. Stay tuned to hear more about our discoveries!

Learning About Personal Space

This morning Ms. Hatcher came in for Life Skills and taught us about personal space. We learned about everyone's personal bubble and how to respect those around us. We also discussed times during which others feel comfortable or uncomfortable and how to read their faces to see how they might be feeling. Talk with your child at home about the concept of personal space.