Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Earth Day Weekend Activities

Dear Parents,

The Earth Day Committee​is gearing up for a special week of celebrating our planet and raising awareness about caring for our planet April 24th­ - 28th. Students can participate by:

● Create a piece of art/sculpture out of items that would normally be thrown away. So, before throwing out that tissue box, bottle, or cardboard roll, see what you can make out of it? Entries should include the student’s name and grade level on or before Tuesday, April 26th to Ms. Amy’s KG classroom (B104). All participants will be entered in a drawing for a North End gift certificate.

● Generate less waste by donating unused household items, clothes, or toys which are in good repair by Tuesday, April 26th to the community hall.

● Take a photo of the trash that your family generates in one day. Send in the photo with ideas for how to generate less trash in your home. Send the email with the subject heading “Trash” by Tuesday, April 28th to and include the name and grades of each student who participated. All participants will be entered in a drawing for a North End gift certificate.

● Students have the day off on Thursday, April 28th. Get out in nature as a family! Snap a photo of you and your family enjoying time outdoors and submit it to Photos must be taken and submitted on that day. Send the email with the subject heading “Nature” to and include the name and grades of each student who participated. All participants will be entered in a drawing for a North End gift certificate.

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