Sunday, September 20, 2015

Pattern "Museum"

We have been doing so much with patterns lately in kindergarten, and we would like to create a pattern museum in our classroom. I have challenged all the students to go home and search for patterns around their home. They have been asked to them bring in their items to school to let us display for a short while. If the item is too big or breakable, we have come up with the solution of taking a photo, which can then be emailed to our class email address: (Please do not use my personal email address as my inbox gets too filled with other emails and I want to make sure I don't miss any photos!)
**Note that of course these items will be returned. To ensure all items are returned to the correct owner, however, please tape your child's name onto the item somewhere.

Encourage your child to find multiple patterns, as well as patterns of different types. Ask him/her to name the pattern for you using letters (AAB, ABC, etc.) or even numbers (112, 123, etc.) to encourage dialogue about the learning going on in our classroom. Your child is welcome to bring in many items containing patterns, so encourage lots of hunting!

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