Monday, September 1, 2014

When have you been a risk-taker?

The five senses have encouraged lots of exploration in KG-M as we develop new understandings and deepen our current ones. We participated in a blind-folded obstacle course that required us to use senses other than sight to successfully make it to the end. This was followed by a discussion about which senses were used and how sometimes senses work together to help us do things. We were also introduced to the term 'risk-taker' through this activity as we tried something even though we might have been a little scared. 'Risk-taker' is one of the PYP learner profile traits that we will address regularly throughout the year.

To continue developing our understanding of the term 'risk-taker' and understand how our senses work, we participated in a taste-test in which blindfolds were once again used. We tried tastes that were salty, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and umami (described as savory). We then charted our likes and dislikes and examined our responses. We realized that people experience different things when they use their sense of taste. This led to a discussion about perspective and we determined that there is no 'right answer' when it comes to likes/dislikes; we are all different and that's okay -- and even great!

These activities that required risk-taking brought forth the realization that we have all taken risks already in our lives and tried new things that helped us grow. We watched/listened to the song "I Tried" by Sesame Street  and discussed our class moto:  "If I practice hard, I can only get better". We will continue taking safe risks throughout the year so that we can grow!

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