Monday, September 3, 2012

Smelling, Tasting and Sorting

We've been exploring our five senses in lots of ways. We explored a variety of smells through smelling jars and then explored what it was like to take away our sense of smell while eating. The students discovered the food was tasteless. This led to a discussion about the connection between our sense of taste and sense of smell. Ask your child to explain our experiments!

We've also been learning all about sorting. Today we did an exercise with a collection of different balls. Students described their balls and we charted what they noticed. We will use these words tomorrow to discuss attributes and how we can use attributes to sort in different ways.


  1. Blog is an excellent way to get updated with all class activites

  2. Thank you for looking at our blog. We like to share our learning. We want to know who you are though! From, KG-M
