All of our kindergarten students are busy learning a musical during Performing Arts time that we can't wait to perform for you all in March! We are needing a little help at home in learning script lines. If you could take the time soon to practice your child's line with him/her so that s/he knows it well, it would be much appreciated. Please see below:
ALL STUDENTS will say the following lines:
- Oh, no! Our train is broken. What shall we do? We need another engine to push us over the mountain.
- Clickety clack! Clickety clack!
- All the while, the children in the Chittagong Village Station were waiting and waiting for Happy Train.
- The train, the train, is very, very late! It’s bringing food and toys. It’s hard for us to wait!
- HOORAY, HOORAY FOR THE BRAVE LITTLE ENGINE THAT COULD SING US OVER THE MOUNTAIN!________________________________________________________
Nezar: Big Important Engine hissed and stopped.
Big Important Engine (angrily): Why did you stop me?
Lola: Big Important Engine huffed and puffed out gritty clouds of gray smoke.
Amirah: And with another puff of steam, “Psssshoooooo”, the freight engine pounded away.
Levi: How disappointing! The Train Conductor and everyone were very worried that no engine will help push us over the mountain.
Alfred: They knew that all the boys and girls on the other side of the mountain were waiting for them.
Ilmeeyat: Then, in the distance, there was a NEW sound on the track - a very small, cheerful sound.
Noah: Down the track came Little Engine.
Train Conductor: Too bad. That engine is way too small to push us over the mountain.
Gabriel: The Train Conductor didn’t even wave the red flag for the engine to stop, but that little engine stopped anyway.
Little Engine: Is something wrong?
The Train Conductor: Our engine is broken. We are hoping that a big engine will come and push us over the mountain.
Little Engine: I am not big, but I will try to push you. Sometimes when I need a lot of power, I sing a special song to make me stronger. It goes like this:
Ayushi: We don’t think you can do it, but you can try.
Taya: Little Engine slowly connected with Happy Train.
Sukanya: It pushed and pushed and pushed! Slowly, as they moved up the mountain, Little Engine said,
Little Engine: I need more power. Please, EVERYBODY, sing the song with me!
Adrian: Up, up the mountain Little Engine pushed Happy Train - up to the very top!
Ihsan: And then down, down the mountain they easily chugged.
Zara: There were the happy children, waiting for them in the Chittagong Village Station.
Hanna: Happy Train was very happy to be there. Everyone shouted...
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