Our first week in kindergarten was a great one, full of activities to get to know one another and learning what it means to be in KG-M. On the first day of school we read the story "The Gingerbread Man", sang the Gingerbread Man song and then decorated cookies. We didn't have enough time to eat them before P.E., so we kept them on our tables and thought all about how delicious they would taste when we returned. To our surprise (and horror!), the gingerbread men had all run away while we were at P.E.!! We went all throughout the school trying to track them down -- eventually finding them in our fifth grade buddies' classroom!
Later on in the week we met up with our buddies and spent a little time getting to know each other. We will spend more time with our buddies again this week. They will read to us throughout the year and help us in other ways as we explore new material.
Another fun thing we did this week was explore all sorts of different materials, which made us think and wonder. We charted words that described these items and the next day we realized we could sort them into five categories. This introduced us to the five senses, which is what our unit of inquiry is all about for the next six weeks. We can't wait to explore each of our senses in more depth and understand how they might help us better understand our world.
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