Last week was another busy one in KG-M, with lots of practicing regarding routines and exploration into our senses. One of the highlights was when we went on a senses walk around school during which we recorded things we noticed when using our senses.
The next day we revisited our recordings and created personal graphs to see which senses we used the most and least. We discovered some interesting things, such as when we realized that we use some senses much more than others at certain
times throughout the day. During our walk, Taya was the only one who
used her sense of taste, which she used when she asked to test the water.
In the area of math we have been exploring the concept of sorting through all sorts of different hands-on activities. We have played different sorting games, and we were even given a sorting challenge which we had to solve with groups. This challenge involved cookies at a party in which four guests each needed three cookies. We had to figure out which attribute (color, size, shape) we could use to sort in order for each guest to have three cookies of equal proportion. It was a challenge but we all figured it out!
We will continue exploring our senses this week and will also continue meeting our animal friends, which are teaching us all sort of phonemes (sounds)! Please expect to see your child's red take-home folder coming home soon with a sheet of all of our animal friends' descriptions. Being familiar with these will help as your child begins writing and reading at home.
In the area of math we have been exploring the concept of sorting through all sorts of different hands-on activities. We have played different sorting games, and we were even given a sorting challenge which we had to solve with groups. This challenge involved cookies at a party in which four guests each needed three cookies. We had to figure out which attribute (color, size, shape) we could use to sort in order for each guest to have three cookies of equal proportion. It was a challenge but we all figured it out!
- We have P.E. on days 1, 3, 5 and 7. Please ensure your child comes to school dressed in appropriate clothing on those days.
- We have Library on days 3 and 8. Your child will need to come to school those mornings with his/her library bag.