Monday, April 1, 2013

We enter our last week of our UOI on matter...

We have delved even deeper into our Unit of Inquiry on matter and materials these past weeks and have worked as scientists to explore, inquire, experiment, hypothesize and test. The students have loved the various experiments we have done to learn; I'm sure many of you heard about them at home.

Oobleck can act as a solid AND a liquid!

The tissue's not wet! What happened?

What happened to the egg when it was left in vinegar? Ask your child about this amazing experiment and the reaction we observed! (*Note: This experiment was a favorite. If you would like to do it at home all you need is an egg and vinegar. Put a regular, uncooked egg in a glass of vinegar. Let it sit at least 24 hours and take it out. See what happens to the shell! Ask your child to describe it.)

Can we separate solids from liquids after they are mixed? Ask your child what he/she discovered when experimenting with water and gravel, a tissue and salt.

In math we have continued looking at geometric shapes, but have moved on to fractions and symmetry as well. We had a paper pizza party in class to explore whole, halves and quarters. We found out what these words mean and how we use them in relation to lots of topics.

Thursday was a very special day for us as we held student-led conferences. The children were so excited to share their growth and demonstrate their skills to their parents. Thank you all for coming and celebrating with your child. The students all expressed how much they enjoyed your visit to the school and the encouragement you shared both during and after the conference. What confident, intelligent children you have!

We also celebrated two more birthdays in KG-M! March was a very busy birthday month! Happy 6th Birthday to Marcus and Mohamed!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you all look like you are having so much fun and learning a great deal about many different things! Keep up the great effort!
    Grammie Williams
