We've been very busy the last few weeks in KG-M. Some very exciting news that I'm sure many of you heard about at home is that we were awarded Tigger at the last all-school assembly! This stuffed tiger is given to classes that display the learner profile and attitude traits and demonstrate deep thinking. We are so honored to spend the next two weeks enjoying his company in our classroom!
We also celebrated two birthdays in our classroom as Leanna and Olivia both turned six. The treats brought in were delicious!
In math we recently finished our focus on money and the students were very excited to design their own stores and practice selling and buying items. All the items were hand-made and we used paper money to shop. The stores imagined and created by the children sold such items as fashion dresses, paper boats, fuel, noodles and water-wings. This activity was loved by all!
We continue to read individually daily through both guided reading groups and independent reading. It is amazing to see the growth of these incredible kindergarteners! They are using decoding and comprehension strategies such as 'visualizing', 'making connections' and 'asking questions' to improve their fluency, accuracy, and ability to retell. Please praise your child for all his/her hard work!
We just finished our Unit of Inquiry on systems and the class presented various school systems in groups. Check back soon to view their amazing presentations!!
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