Field Trip:
We will be taking a field trip this Tuesday, November 18 to the Gulshan Society Lake Park to explore plants for our unit of inquiry. We will be leaving the school at 10:30 and returning around noon. Please see the permission slip your child is bringing home today. Also, if you are interested in joining us and helping chaperone, we would love to have you! Please send me an email.
Individual Photos:
This Thursday, November 20 our class will take individual student photos. If you would like your child to wear anything special, please dress her accordingly that morning. You will receive a copy of the photos in the near future, which you can then order if you choose.
Bloomball Mall:
This Thursday, November 20 the fifth grade classes will be putting on 'Bloomball Mall' to practice the business skills they have acquired during their unit of inquiry. We will attend the event for a short time during which your child will have the opportunity to purchase items of all sorts (i.e. treats, small toys, etc.) Your child of course is not required to purchase anything, however, if you would like him to be able to, please send in no more than 500 taka and we will help to ensure the money is managed accordingly. Please send small bills rather than just one 500 taka note.
UN Day:
AISD will celebrate UN Day on Wednesday, November 26 at 8:15 am. It is a wonderful celebration and all parents are invited to attend. Please meet us out on the big field rather than come to classroom or to the hallways as it gets quite congested. I promise to take lots of photos to share.